The Retrogrades of Summer: Neptune & Saturn

astrology Jul 08, 2024

I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire blog post, write new horoscopes and provide guides for Retrogrades. But, the current Neptune and Saturn retrogrades have earned it and I have heard you loud and clear - you NEED it.

Let me lay a little groundwork first and explain why you may be re-visiting the past, have a tear on standby and are just generally feeling a bit mushy lately. 

It’s Cancer season and Cancer season cracks your heart open to vulnerability and tenderness. 🥹♋️ One of the life lessons of Cancer is to experience pain, to stand up in the middle of it, and keep your heart open to LOVE. 

Can you hurt without closing up? Can you stay here and now without staring into the past?

What a lesson.

I often think to myself that we, as human beings, were given the capacity to experience love, to know love and look what so many of us do with it. We use it to hurt, we let resentment replace love, we cause war and genocide, we manipulate with the promise of love, and we have to be taught to love ourselves. 

I want you to think about what love means to you. Write it down even, tell me: What is it to love? 

Now ➡️ Do you actually practice this with the people YOU love? With yourself? 

Hold these thoughts- they are the foundation that your Neptune and Saturn Retrogrades are building upon until November/December 2024. It’s slow, it’s rhythmic, it’s a process. 

Let’s start with Neptune

The planet of dreams, illusions, subconscious patterns, how we heal, our deepest desires, hidden talents, artistic endeavours, and escapism. Neptune is infamously known for pulling the wool over our eyes. We can’t quite see a situation, person or event as clearly- the whole picture alludes us. 

Neptune is currently retrograding through the sign it rules: Pisces. This is significant because it increases the planetary energetics. Also, when Neptune retrogrades it pulls that wool away from our eyes. It provides and opportunity to see things for how they really are- we may not always like what we see when the whole picture if presented. Either way it’s reality check time. 

Be mindful with this planets hazy, intoxicating influence. We may want to retreat from the world- but please be mindful of what is pulling you into retreat. 

Is it to heal and gain some perspective or are you escaping into an unhealthy habit again? It’s real easy to figure out. What are you doing when you hide and what are the thoughts that trigger the behaviour? 

Neptune will be retrograding from July 2 to December 7, 2024. The last time Neptune was retrograding in Pisces was in 2011, don’t be surprised if you find a pattern or a sense of familiarity. 

Moving on to Saturn

What a funny pair to have moving through Pisces together in retrograde. Saturn is boundaries and restriction, Neptune is boundary less and floaty. 

Well, what the heck do we do with this, Britt? We balance them, my friends.

We do a check between the practical and the imaginative, our masculine and feminine. Do you have structure and form to match your artistic, imaginative needs? Or is your cosmic teeter-totter a little off kilter?

Saturn will bring form to the boundless and will be retrograde in Pisces from June 29 until November 5, 2024 and last went retrograde in Pisces from June-December 2023. Saturn will be in Pisces from 2023-2026 and prior to that was in Pisces from 1994-1996. 

The 5 Minute Fix: Start working with the retrogrades now

Just because you may not have time to do the deep dive, doesn’t mean you still can’t incorporate these retrograde’s. Can you spare 5 minutes?

 Open your calendar or the 3 you have going. Take a look at all of the things that are scheduled. Work, sports, vacation, birthdays, etc. The things you “have” to do or are “expected” to show up for.

✨ What kind of person is being reflected back at you? Is it a true reflection of the life you live? The one you want to live?

✨ What would happen if you started to schedule in things like: adult playtime, date night, alone time, pleasure time, woo-woo time, bath time, artistic time? 

✨ Your container is suddenly holding you, lifting your time to the same standards as everything else, and making it much easier to say NO.

✨ Your outpouring of life and energy is now being given shape and form- the feminine and the masculine. 

I practice this in my own life, every part of my life is scheduled. I am being held so I can outpour. If you were to pull up my schedule you would know immediately: I am an Entrepreneur, an Astrologer, a spiritual woman, a sexual woman, a partner, a bike rider, an alternative healing nut, a Reiki Practitioner, and a water lover. It’s all there, none above the other, in perfect harmony. Grocery shopping lives right beside Yoni steaming sometimes!

Ready, Set, Retrograde Horoscope Time

Read for your Rising sign and know that Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will be impacted the most or if you are currently in a Saturn cycle of Return, Square or Opposition. 

For Every Sign: Allow the introspection and the insight, be mindful of why you are retreating, pay attention to your thoughts, engage in creative outlets, revisit the dream you had from 2011, be aware if you pick up old habits that stopped serving you at some point, find your way to rest, find your way to further healing, protect your energy, be mindful of how much others emotions are affecting your own, take space. 


You more than any other sign have full permission to retreat, recluse and rest. The retrogrades are moving through your 12th House, which is where Pisces lives and where Neptune likes to hang. You are getting a triple dose of the transit so immerse, surrender and go inward. You are a sign that has a superpower for self-awareness so put it to the test Aries. There is much to be found inside yourself right now, I promise. 


Taurus, you may come to some startling realizations about the groups you roll with and the people within them. The retrogrades are moving across your house of friendship and community. The people you surround yourself with have your back right? Start taking notes about who supports you for real, weed out the fair-weather friends and colleagues who intentionally hold you back..who needs them anyways. 


Your career house is under Neptune and Saturn’s influence, dear Gemini. Careful, careful and proceed with caution; get the whole story before you take action. Is that new job opportunity as good as it seems? Is that promotion a veiled attempt to move you out? Is that new business partnership a little one sided when you read the fine print? Opportunity is going to present itself for sure, but look beyond the packaging it comes in.


The cosmos are playing a trick on you, Cancer! While everyone else may be spending more time at home, your favourite domain, you are planning a trip. Home bound is making you itch a little, and you are ready to get out. You can be new at this or even a little rusty, so be mindful while you are planning those trips. Check your dates, ask your more travel inclined friends for help, or plan a trip that doesn’t take you too far from home.


Oooo Leo, it’s about the control for you! You are already such a power player and this retrograde is going across the dark, mysterious, and seductive 8th house. Ready for some intense and intimate experiences until December 7, 2024? Particularly around your relationship-this could be a deepening commitment or a humbling departure. Don’t worry about exerting your will or attempting to control the process. There is nothing required of you here but to SURRENDER. What will be, will be.


Is that significant relationship in your life really working, Virgo? I want you to think about the word resign. Have you resigned yourself to the fact that you won’t get what you need from this relationship? I wouldn’t be surprised if those unsaid things come to the surface, the subconscious resignation is given voice. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, this can be an unburdening.


Go stand in front of the mirror Libra and say to yourself “It’s my turn!”. Your self-care, wellness and how you prioritize your health are under the microscope. This is so, so good for you right now. We are not looking for a quick fix or some fad, we want real, intentional application. Take your time, decide what you want to reasonably commit to, and slowly but surely implement the change to your routines. No sacrificing of your finances or overcommitting to the process. 


Where is your paint, your canvas, your instrument, your creative project, and your lover Scorpio? Create, romance, make love, be passionate because it just feels good to release your heart fuelled energy into the world. Be in flow with that yummy, dark, seductive and mysterious energy you carry. Control is just a loooong detour on the way to acceptance of what is. How many times will you allow control to pull you out of the deep, unwavering trust you have in yourself right now?


My friend Sagittarius, are you surfing an unfamiliar wave of FEELS right now? These retrogrades are bringing the Water, the emotional body, and a whole lotta reflection to your home and family. You’re gonna need a wide berth pal as you navigate this trip into your emotional realm. You’re gonna cry, scream, undo, release, and purge and every time you do, you will feel lighter and lighter. Be mindful of what you reach for if your Fire is being smouldered by the Water- lighting your system up with sugar, caffeine, and spending will not serve. 


Are you ready for a little misunderstanding, Cap? With Neptune and Saturn retrograde in your house of communication there are going to be bumps. It is very important that you mean what you say and say what you mean; check that you’ve been understood. It is equally important that you seek clarification when others are communicating with you; repeat back what you are hearing. Tap into your siblings, extended family and friend who are like family- there is insight to be gained from time spent with these groups. 


Money, money, money Aquarius! It’s time to get a handle on your financial situation, face the money music if you will. Get a read on your financial picture, take a look at it all, and be realistic about the goals from now until December 7, 2023. Perhaps you uncover new insight into your relationship with money, maybe you explore how your nervous system influences your money mindset. The goal is to move away from lack and into abundance. Tell Neptune what your financial dream is.


Let it all out Pisces! What if I told you that deep, feeling, psychic, mystical side of yourself hasn’t even begun to soar yet? I know, right? It’s a little mind-blowing to think there is more expansion to be had, more talents to acknowledge, and more power to unlock. But it’s true. Spend the next five months exploring a new spiritual practice, finding guidance with mentors, and asking yourself what parts are you ready to express?