September Astrology Forecast

Aug 30, 2024

The month of September is going to bring some big change; you are going to be called to step into a new place. To be perfectly honest, I struggled writing this month’s Astrological forecast because the cosmic happenings for September are deep, introspective, culminating and releasing. I am going to weave a little story together for you below of the journey that you have been on since March, yes this story has been brewing for that long.

Hang with me because I promise what I am handing over will change how you move through September, pal!

In March we had an eclipse portal open between the signs of Aries and Libra. Eclipses bring big sweeping change, sometimes unexpected. Here is the thing- that change was always coming it’s just the eclipse sped up the timeline. The call or the lesson was around claiming your sovereignty over your own needs, your independence, your authenticity, and the vision of who you want to be in the world.

A vision that starts with examining your past experiences, hurts, relationships, the environment, your job, your financial status, and any other area of your life you choose to focus on. Removing all of the external forces and the things that have happened to you or for you, tap into the hope and the dream of who you are.

I am asking: 

Who do you believe yourself to be? 

Is the reflection you are getting back, from the world around you, supporting or stifling your call for authenticity? 

Whew, I told you it was going to be deep! Let’s go further.

What has been apparent since March, is how your relationships factor into this equation of authenticity. When the Aries and Libra ecliptic portal was opened in the examination that began was around how you honour your own needs while in relationship to others and in relationship with yourself. Libra struggles this lifetime with learning to stop self-sacrificing to maintain peace and harmony. They give, give, give until they’re broke, exhausted and resentful and then wonder where everyone is when they need them. Here is the call for every Libra and for you too: Did anyone ask you to sacrifice yourself, your health, your dreams, that trip, that money?

It’s time to stop bending yourself around how others want you to be; stand up tall in who YOU are.

This month you are being asked to take the call to stand up seriously, to put some boundaries, plans and parameters around it. 

There is a New Moon in Virgo at 11° coming on September 2 at 6:56pm PST and it is in opposition with Saturn in Pisces. The lesson for Saturn in Pisces is to acknowledge and learn that with boundaries comes wisdom. The Saturn in Pisces story is that when we allow our energy to just freely pour into everything and everyone, there is no wisdom to source for ourselves. The container has no walls and we must learn to hold ourselves; every part.  

The New Moon in Virgo is asking where you need discipline in order to show up as your best self and Saturn is saying it’s time to get to work. These aren’t musings, dreams or hopes…this is real. 

The guidance I will give you over the New Moon is to commit to honouring this new emergence of self that has been coming, to put tangible plans around the reclamation of self. Oooo baby! 

I am giving you this guidance because the Full Moon in Pisces at 25° will arrive on September 17 at 7:34pm PST, with an eclipse to follow just minutes afterwards, and the opening of the Aries/ Libra portal. If you know what you need to reclaim self from the New Moon, then you also know what needs to be released under this Full Moon:

Is it a coping mechanism that no longer works or holds you back? 

Is it self doubt about your gift?

Is it a relationship?

Is it an old narrative that keeps you small?

Is it a job?

Is it the fear of what you could accomplish with all that power you are holding?

Pisces is compassion, empathy, believing in the unseen, and vivid dreams of the future. Turn the compassion and empathy towards the old version of you and then dream about what is possible for this new emerging vision and version of who you are. 

Here is what I know to be true; something has shifted for you in the past few weeks. A realization, an understanding, an “aha”, that who you were 6 months ago has been slowly dying and transforming. It may have created anger, sorrow, joy, a bit of a mind fuck because you didn’t realize yet just how much you have changed. When we move in new ways we have to walk down the path of change over and over again, so it becomes well worn. Before you know it you look back and your old path has now become did that happen?

I am going to invite you over the Full Moon to do a forgiveness letter to yourself. To the old you, to the woman who carried you to this point the one that walked that old path. Thank her, forgive her, and humbly bow in gratitude for everything she saw you through. If you want a hint about what parts those are; which version may need to be released. Start with what came up for you over Mercury retrograde, even if the retrograde brought a beautiful ease- what parts did you trust so it opened up for you? Let the part of you go that was doubting; walk into faith and follow it right towards your dreams.

I see you, I see who you are becoming and I am in awe of you.

The Astrology of September

Aug 29: Venus enters Libra (natural rulership)

Sep 1: Uranus Retrograde

Sep 2: New Moon in Virgo 

Sep 4: Mars enters Cancer

Sep 17: Full Moon Pisces/Lunar Eclipse 

Sep 22: Sun enters Libra

Sep 22: Venus enters Scorpio

Sep 26: Mercury enters Libra

Sep 30: Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra