New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra: Horoscopes

astrology Oct 01, 2024

I cannot underestimate the power of this eclipse season in particular; there’s no need to tell you right?

This eclipse season has been hitting harder than any others. If you have been paying attention to the cosmos more than ever; you are not alone. We are all feeling this big shift, both personally and collectively. There has been change coming, a push into places you may not have felt ready to hold, a realization you didn’t want to take action on but had to. 

These energies will culminate with a New Moon in Libra on October 2, 2024 at 11:49am PST occurring at 10° Libra. This New Moon will be both a beginning and an ending; as it closes Libra’s story in an eclipse cycle that has been active since 2023.

To take the eclipse lessons deeper, with more personal insight revisit these dates: 

From 2023, what occurred for you in April, May, and October.

From 2024, what occurred for you in March, April, and September.

The real question is what did these events teach you and what did you commit to during these times?

I will never again….

I realized that….

I was ready to….

I can no longer be this person for you…

The New Moon energy over this eclipse is asking you to take what the eclipse cycle has taught you and to let the ending be the start of a beginning. This new Moon is meeting up with our South Node invoking a huge release; think life shifting. It can feel scary, perhaps hopeless, there is fear of what this will mean. You are being unburdened from that relationship that has run its course, the job you can no longer show up for, and any other entanglement you find yourself in. This is the last eclipse in Libra for decades- there is no more road to travel-you have reached the end. But I will remind you here: when one door closes…..

There is also a Grand Trine in Water supporting this New Moon Eclipse and Mercury is having a say. I am going to make a promise to you that I will keep: YOU CAN TRUST YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. Listen to your knowing, follow the gut instincts and intuition, this isn’t a time for questioning, or believing the bullshit someone is feeding you. The Grand Trine in Water will have the emotions on high, but it also brings ease of access to Water energy. The dreams, the psychic hits, the meditative messages, the intuition, the tingly spidey senses-follow them. When the mind tries to convince you otherwise, tells you that dream is not happening, or saturates you in fear of the unknown- trust what is in your heart or your gut. 

However many times you need to say it: This is hard and uncomfortable but I know it will be okay, this is a moment in time and all moments pass, I will go on.

Make a promise to yourself, sign a contract with yourself about what you are committing to under this New Moon. What will the next chapter in your story look like?

If you want to take the insight deeper and surround it in ceremony join me LIVE on October 2 at 11am PST for a special New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. Join our email subscriber list, receive a FREE Guide, and the link to join class => CLICK HERE


Read for your Rising Sign, Sun and Moon. 


This New Moon Eclipse is happening in the sign directly opposite your own, Libra and its hitting the area of your life that Libra rules- relationships. Not just one, but many of your relationships could be brought to the forefront. Take care to pay attention to what your relationships bring to your life and what you give to them in return. New people may come, old people may go- ask yourself if these relationships bring balance or instability?


How is your health Taurus? Have you been taking care of yourself and ensuring that your needs are being met? This New Moon eclipse is lighting up the part of your life that craves routine care and organization; we want structure. The structure is being focused around your health and the preventative measures you take to ensure you are feeling your best. How you show up in the world is a direct reflection of how you show up for yourself 


Feeling the pull towards a passion project, wanting to put something out into the world with your whole heart. You are wanting more right now, the mundane is just not doing it. You want to move, you want to feel that spark again- you want your creative powers and skill to be out in the world. Ask yourself where you have put the volume of your life on low and why? What would happen if you cranked it to full blast and let your light shine with joy?


This New Moon is having a big impact on you; it’s hitting the area of your life that you rule in Astrology Cancer- the home and family. If you are wanting to renovate or move, no surprise there, and whatever move you make should be towards creating sanctuary. If the hurts and pains of your family of origin are coming forward- it is a time to examine them and release what you can. If you cannot remember the last time you nurtured yourself, look at what effect that is having on you.


If your mental activity, narratives, and limiting beliefs have had you spinning its because this New Moon has a lot of mental activity surrounding it for you. What beliefs have you held that you have uncovered are untrue? There may even be a component of your daily life that no longer feels aligned. Take a look at your environment and ask yourself if it supports or limits the vision you have of who you are and what role the resources you have available to you play? Is the vision shaping the environment and beliefs or is the environment and beliefs shaping the vision? You choose.


Values, security, stability and self-worth are receiving the spotlight under this New Moon for you, Virgo. Take a look around and ask yourself if you have everything you need right now- not want. Are you feeling secure and safe, is there a sense of stability in your life. It doesn’t have to be perfect to feel abundant. You may be feeling areas of your life that are working and area of your life where you feel impoverished- work to build the areas that feel under-resourced. You don’t have to go right to money- think time with family, taking care of your home, investing in self care, slowing down.


It’s only you here under this New Moon, Libra. Focus on self-me, myself and I. Instead of asking what others need from you, ask what you need from you right now? Where are you getting in your own way: self-esteem, partnership, pursuit of goals, your image. Take a step back under this New Moon and ask yourself: Who am I? From the image looking back in the mirror to the vision you have for your future- Who am I? Find out what could bring more peace, balance and harmony to self. Don’t ask anyone else, yet, hand on heart what’s the dream of you?


It's time to let it go, Scorpio. You more than any other sign in the zodiac right now are feeling the ending and beginning lesson. This New Moon Eclipse is occurring in the area of your life that rules undoings, dreams, and our spirituality. It’s time to face your successes and failures, to gather the wisdom you gained because of them, and plant the seed for a new cycle. Create or renew your rituals and connection to spirituality- find solitude as you navigate a new plane for yourself- are you ready to step over the threshold?


Your focus is being pulled to friendships, community, and your hopes for the future, Sag. You are feeling the collective and humanity right now; you’ve taken a bird’s eye view over this time period. This New Moon Eclipse has taken you outside of yourself, you can clearly see the shifts that are occurring, observing the transformation, wondering where your place is in the world and where you want it to be. While you may not be feeling as emotional as everyone around you, the amount of insight your are gaining is momentous- how are you going to ride the wave into your future?


This New Moon is occurring in the area of your life that your sign rules over, Cap. This period of time will emphasize where you have been too rigid and where you have been too relaxed. Don’t be surprised if the question of your career and how you define success come up. If I was to ask you the legacy you want your professional life to leave behind, what would you say? This does not have to be your 9-5 gig- perhaps you have a passion project on the side that will be your legacy. Whatever it is you want to contribute out to the world - are you devoting the time, energy and discipline to it?


Exploration, travel, new belief systems and ideologies, higher education are on your mind Aquarius! You are craving new- new experiences, different ways of living, an expansion of consciousness perhaps. You are being encouraged under this new Moon to expand, to grow, and to push yourself into the places unknown. When you try to conform, or squish into the box of narratives that don’t belong to you- you become unwell. Take a look at the areas of your life where you are feeling like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole- don’t judge how long you’ve been doing that for- get ready to abandon that pattern.


If this has felt heavier for you than for most Pisces, it’s okay and it’s valid. This New Moon is highlighting your relationship to attachment and loss, to the habits and patterns you have formed as a result of hurt and pain-specifically caused by others. The call under this New Moon is transformation-to know we all experience these things and we work to take the lesson, the knowledge and wisdom gained as we find our way through the pain. It’s okay to  have felt in the dark over the past few weeks- to have moments where you cuddles up to despair. This New Moon is the light that will lead you out- we can trust there is endless stretches of road in front of us even if the headlights are only illuminating a few feet ahead.