New Moon in Scorpio: The Stability of Transformation
Oct 30, 2024
The cosmic bell that is tolling to bring in the New Moon in Scorpio is reverberating inside of us all.
Occurring on November 1 at 5:46am PST at 9° Scorpio this New Moon is bringing a lot of emotional energy with it. There is a powerful triad occurring in the sky between Mercury, Neptune and Mars ushering in all of the non-verbal, psychic sponge, calling forward of pain, hide out in my house vibrations.
If your intuition has been on high, your meditations have been pulling you deeper- it’s to be expected. To the empaths, the ones who feel the collective- I know this has been heavy and intense and you’re feeling the waves of grief, pain, and the shedding layers. Be gentle, be kind, and get yourself in water as many times as you need right now.
Can you feel the silence, like a hush, that has fallen over us all right now?
Mars and Pluto will be sitting at anaretic degrees (the 29th or final degree of a sign) in opposing signs of Cancer and Capricorn. An anoretic degree is sometimes known as the degree of fate- its peak culmination or potency for the signs. Mars is our planet of Action and Pluto is our planet of Transformation- they are sitting in the signs that want to know how we put our vulnerability and pain (Cancer) to a useful purpose (Capricorn). However, Capricorn and Cancer are both Cardinal signs- who’s in charge here vibes? Beware the power struggles, particularly with anyone trying to exert dominance over you or take your power away. You can respond instead of react, confide and seek guidance from those you trust, take time to uncover the underlying motives, and find a way to move forward that empowers you.
The ability to respond with calm and composure comes from our friend Saturn. The focused energy that is Saturn tells us: “It will all be okay if we take the time to find clarity”. There is learning in this period of time- that what can be dismantled can be rebuilt. That healing is not a linear journey but a dance between who you were, who you are now, and who you are becoming. All of these versions of you deserve your love and compassion.
Say it out loud: Who I was, Who I am and Who I am becoming deserve love and compassion.
As you dry your wings, when you emerge from this cocoon of transformation, you’ll have the strength to fly.
With all the change we are being asked to move through, remember what you value. When the discomfort comes, and you are pulled inwards to the deep places of your psyche, find the stability and the anchor in your heart. Find love.
A little not before you read your horoscopes: Read for your Rising Sign first. All horoscopes are written for your Rising Sign => CLICK HERE TO FIND YOURS
The New Moon is hitting your 8th house of finance, inheritance, intimacy and trust. This New Moon may call you to examine where you have joint resources with another- from your intimate partners to those who you are in business with. Aries, who really has control over your financial situation? Are you as free as you think you are. If money is not the focus, you may find yourself in a situation where you are seeking new levels of trust, unexplored layers of intimacy with another- the kind that shakes your soul. You are wondering if you can surrender to the vulnerability that practicing intimacy and trust brings. Maybe you are learning to explore this place within yourself.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight:
I am going to share something deeper here my feiry friend- ask yourself where in your life are you the Queen and where are you the Courtesan? Both roles hold significant value- one is not superior to the other. It’s a question of how do you put your frame of reference and your structure of self to use- not who you are at your core- but how you use your power in the world.
Our Earth spirit soul, your 7th house of relationship is pulling you in. Have your feelers up for all the possibilities this brings. You may be entering a new intimate partnership or ending one that is no longer serving you. Someone may enter your life during this time that brings a promise of collaboration and new networking opportunities. You move at a measured pace, dear Taurus, whatever happens for you in the darkness of the New Moon, remember that!
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
One more lesson for the 7th house- a deeper spiritual insight. In the 7th house we are renewed by the experience of relationship and of change. Whether we clash or harmonize with another there are significant questions we can ask of our relationships: Are they static and possessive? OR Are they dynamic and creative?
How you orient your power and the belief you have in your abilities this lifetime depends on which relationships you choose to find renewal in. I know which ones inspire me, how about you?
Our multitasking, quick-minded, forever charming Air sign Gemini! The New Moon in Scorpio will have you reflecting on your health, your structure and organization, and your routines. You may be feeling this New Moon more than any other this year because it is landing in your 6th House. The 6th house is all about the preventative measures we put in place to stay well, not what we do once we are sick. Gemini, how are you taking care of yourself? The 6th house has to do with the cycles of woman, woman as healers, as medicine holders- when was the last time you tapped into your medicine Gemini?
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
What is your relationship to devotion Gemini? Not to another person or belief system- but to yourself? The late, great, Astrologer Dane Rudhyar said devotion, when referring to the 6th house, is an expression of the ego denying its past and yearning for the future, the devotee worships himself as he hopes to be tomorrow or the day after. What does that mean- the work you do on and for yourself today is an act of service for who you want to be, the person you will be tomorrow.
This New Moon is hitting your Sign harder than most, my crabbie friend. While the emotional body and the reclusive vibes may be on high, there is a call towards creativity and expression. Sign up for that class, perhaps that hobby turns into something more or you start to write that novel you’ve been meaning to get to. The fifth house also holds play, joy, romance and pleasure- could those areas of your life use a little creative spark- now is the time. What is important here Cancer is to not doubt this need for self-expression- who cares why it’s here- what are you going to do with it?
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
Most of us, okay my hope is all of us, have felt that spontaneous spark for creative self-expression. But do we know what creativity means? Not if you are saying “But I can’t draw” Creativity is a process that brings something new or unique into existence, often by approaching problems from a fresh perspective (from my friend Chatgpt). Huh! Who knew! If the New Moon has created a spark in you, Cancer- will you fan it into flames to find a new outlet or a brand new dynamic. Lead with your heart.
The New Moon is bringing into the 4th house, Leo! This is where our home, our family, our inner sanctum all live. You may be wanting to do some renovations, move the furniture around or could even be considering moving house all together. If you are going to change your home around- let the intention be to increase comfort, a feeling of sanctuary and restoration. The 4th house can also bring family into play- from expanding your family, combining homes or having a “rub” with a family member (typically our maternal figures or women)- it all lives here. The feels are on high, dear Leo, move slowly, attend to you heart and nurture your needs.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
The 4th house is one of the most significant houses in Astrology. It is the very centre of your total being, the soil from which all self-expression grows. The 4th house holds our inner life- our feelings, intuitions, dreams, and our subconscious. It will bring forward how your family of origin and the recoils of painful experiences either nurtured or depleted your 4th house soil. The bloom of a rose is dependant upon the root from which it came from…is it time to till the soil, to regenerate?
This is a nice New Moon placement for you Virgo- it’s in your 3rd house. This is the house that rules communication, local travel, learning new things and our network- think extended family and friends who are like family. This is a great time to express what you need, clear up any “unsaid” things or misunderstandings you may have had with others. Take a moment to reflect on how your environment, who you interact with and how your daily routines influence you. Perhaps you notice areas where you have been on autopilot? Even driving a different route to work may hold the promise of discovery or a phone call with a dear friend to remind you what it feels like to be seen.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
The 3rd house is where the vision of ourselves and the circumstances we find ourselves in (the environment, this includes the societal expectations we live under and our financial status) battle it out. Which one is being served here? Are we using the resources available to us to express the vision or are the resources available determining the expression of self. I will give you an example- You are born into a family with a very well established business that promises wealth and success when you take over- which is expected of you. BUT what you really want is to be a poet- deep in your soul, in your vision of self you are an artist not a CEO- which one wins, which one has won?
This New Moon will challenge your sense of security and stability, Libra! You are being pulled into your 2nd house. Finances, resources, needs, self-worth oh my! As a Sign that seeks balance, peace and harmony your attention is going right to the imbalances that are making you feel insecure. Be mindful of the stories you tell yourself right now Libra- you work hard and you deserve to feel good. This is not a time for the “what if” stories this is a time to stand on what you know to be true and to make an investment in that self worth account. Pull from your inner resources or your financial ones to make an investment in self- this can be material or self-care. Commit to a new practice or a new venture.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
The second house calls for a deeper dive or an expansion of our definition of wealth. It asks us to examine the spiritual, physical and emotional wealth we hold. What tendencies have you inherited, what ancestral gifts do you hold, what knowledge have you acquired, what wisdom has been passed from elders, what sentimental things are in your home? Now tell me are you using them.
The time has come Scorpio, the New Moon is in your sign, there is grand trine and a double kite in Water! Will you allow the transformation, the transcendence and the alchemy to unfold? Will you shed the layers, stand in your power, embody and be in service to your soul. I know I can speak to you from this place, you are the Sign where we go deep, we don’t skip across the surface of this water. The New Moon is in your 1st House- Tell me WHO YOU ARE. When we pass the place of pain, hurt, betrayal, when we confront our deepest fears, when we surrender to the trust and the intimacy of self- tell me what you find there, in that beautiful depth of YOU.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
The 1st house is where it all begins, from the spark of life, to our waking consciousness, and the promise of renewal and rebirth. It’s where we plant the seed that begins the garden of our human experience- we return many times over. Each time we find ourselves back in this 1st house garden, we plant a new seed; one that is created from the wisdom of our successes and failures. We begin again, with new wisdom, a refined image of self; and so the garden grows.
Paging Sagittarius! Can you please come back to Earth- just to read this horoscope! Where are you right now Sag? This New Moon is in your 12th house- you may be dreaming of quiet solitude, away from everyone, detached from the responsibilities of the Earth plane. Allow yourself to go there, allow your consciousness to expand into the spiritual realm- other dimensions. You may be feeling quite floaty right now, so float, turn the phone on silent, let yourself be away. It’s a spiritual “out of office” kind of reply for you- we’ll talk about that next week, okay? Protect your peace
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
The float may feel wonderful right now, BUT it serves a purpose. The 12th house is the end of a cycle, it’s where everything culminates to be renewed/reborn in the 1st house. It is a house of “undoing”, let the relationship go if it is time, let the narrative go if it doesn’t serve, and take your power back from that intuition. What are you bringing with you into the next chapter?
The New Moon is hitting your 11th House Capricorn. The house of friendship, community, future hopes and dreams. Take a step back, lift up from the everyday and look at the long term plan; this is probably exciting you. What does your 5,10, even 20 year plan look like? What are you doing right now to make sure that your resources and your energy are being used towards accomplishing that long range plan. Future pace yourself and work backwards from there- if I want to be there in five years, then year 4 would be this, year 3 would have to look like that, and so on. It would be great if the focus was on your work, the legacy you want to leave behind. The deeper spiritual meaning will tell you how your friends and community factor in.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
I am going to hit you with a deep Dane Rudhyar here: How are you participating in the workshop of civilization? Yeah I did it. Do you want to know what this comes down to, what it means? The people and the community you surround yourself with. Example: When you are with your inner circle, what are you doing, what are you talking about? Are these people who hear your dreams and say “I can help, I believe in you and your work, your contribution needs to get out there!” Surround yourself with a dream team and your world will change.
Is your career on your mind, Aquarius? It’s wouldn’t be a surprise since this New Moon is hitting the 10th house of career, success, reputation and ambition. Whether you are up for a promotion, leaving a current job, there is change afoot in your professional life. Perhaps, it is being fuelled by the fact that the success you set out to achieve has been obtained or it no longer aligns. Take a moment and ask yourself: “What do I want to remembered for when it comes to the work I did?”- This is not about how you paid the bills and provided for yourself. We’re aiming for the legacy- we all leave one. A great place to start is to ask yourself what success means to you, how do you define it.
The Deeper Spiritual Insight
The 10th house is where our Earth power- how you gain prestige, status, power and our celestial power- how you participate in society, humanity and the collective, meet. The 10th house asks us to call, confront, and join these two places together. It’s where who you are, meets your participation in society as a whole and the power that generates for you. It calls you to ask what and who your public persona is- your outer world character.
Oooo this a good placement for you Pisces! The 9th house is where the New Moon will pull you. The 9th house is our wandering gypsy soul- the place that makes us wonder: What else is out there? We want to expand our horizons whether through a trip, exploring a new belief system or philosophy. It’s about expanding our higher consciousness. You may feel an increased sense of adventure, a desire for new experiences and this is where you will gain the wisdom you are seeking. Grab your compass and chart a course for the truth, an updated version of spirituality, wander around in the world.
The Deeper Spiritual Meaning
The 9th house holds the understanding that we are far more than our individual relationships. That term “we are a citizen of the world” was written by a 9th house personality. It is a culmination point where we realize we are more than our one to one relationships, we have a relationship to humanity as a whole, to religions and laws we operate under, to the culture of the place in which we are situated. The 9th house asks you to widen your perspective- to realize there are others living all kinds of ways- all over the world- have you really found your place?