Full Moon in Taurus: Turn Everything Off
Nov 15, 2024
The Full Moon will occur November 15, 2024 at 1:28 PM/PST and it is bringing a beautiful, not always easy, shift into grounding and growth.
The planet of radical change, freedom, and tapping into your genius is sitting right beside the Full Moon- the planet is Uranus. Uranus is a planet of liberation, it will break a chain, pull it right out of the wall and then open the window so you can fly from your cage.
Taurus, the sign the Full Moon is in, does not typically like change. It makes them feel unsafe and they need time to recalibrate.
So what happens when a sign whose middle name is routine and a planet that will shake your life up like a snow globe meet?
Let go.
Become undone.
The deepest lesson of Taurus and its partner sign Scorpio is to trust yourself, to know that who you are and what you hold dear is the only thing that needs to be preserved.
If I was to strip everything away, all the material possessions, the addictions and habits, the external world, the likes on a social illusion you curate, the titles of mom, wife, father, husband….who are you?
Tell me what it feels like to sit in the wholeness of your being. Move from this place of wholeness- trust yourself.
This isn’t about finding anything new, it’s about acknowledging what already exists inside of you- let the rest go.
When our life experiences, the things we have surrendered our power to, the false sense of safety we have been operating under, the routines and habits we have hidden in- get pulled from us like a blanket on a cold morning. It’s jarring.
Uranus is pulling that blanket off; for some of us it can feel like:
I trusted myself, I trusted who I am. This change, this turning of the tide, is confirming that when I lead with authenticity I find the light.
I was hiding in the familiar. I thought this was enough and it turns out it’s not. I have to acknowledge that it’s time for change. “Okay” will no longer stand in for “fucking great”
That door has closed, that version of myself is in the past. Finding a new balance, a new frequency, takes time to adjust. If I stop focusing on what was and focus on what is I will find my new rhythm.
We are all on different parts of this journey, and they are all worthy and all welcome. Whether you are finally whispering to yourself “this is not enough anymore” or you’re embodying the butterfly you’ve been transforming into the past few months.
It’s time to set yourself free, my dear friends. Know that everything inside of you is all you have ever needed. Give the rest over to Grandmother Moon- release unto her all you no longer want to hold.
Strip yourself bare.
Your horoscopes are meant to prompt exploration in the area of your life this Full Moon will illuminate. Tune everything out and sit with The Question. Read for your Rising Sign first.
This Full Moon is highlighting the area of your life that is ruled by Taurus. Your relationship to money, material possessions, and the external ways you source worth are up for examination.
The Question: What is the real currency of your self-worth, stability and security. Is it the label on your shirt or the constant financial worry? Ask yourself: How can I provide for myself in a way that makes me feel stable and gives me what I need? Hint: Take a look at where all your money gets spent and ask yourself is it a reflection of who you are and your goals?
The Full Moon is me, myself and I time Taurus. You are being asked the question of all questions- Is how I present myself to the outside world an accurate reflection of who I am? When our first house is highlighted it’s an opportunity to examine where you hide in self image.
The Question: The next time you get dressed, examine yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: How does the image reflected back at me align with the vision of who I am? This is not superficial- our first impressions live in our first house. From your hair, jewellery, and scents- what is it all saying?
The Full Moon is putting a spotlight on your connection to your spirituality, dreams, and wisdom. You are being asked more than another sign to take a time out in solitude.
The Question: Can you sit with yourself in total silence and listen? Will you allow yourself an examination of all your past successes and failures so you can harness all the wisdom available to you. I know this isn’t easy for you Gemini- but it’s time for you to realize that you are so much wiser than you know.
The Full Moon is highlighting your friendships and community Cancer. It’s time to pour your nurturing love all over those you hold dear. You have no idea how much wisdom is found in how you take care of others.
The Question: What would happen if you stopped loving on those fair-weather friends, took your energy back and invested it into those who fill your cup? You know the people who see your food as love, your hugs as medicine, and hear your wisdom. Build the community that supports your future vision.
The Full Moon is hitting your house of career contributions, success, aspiration, and your public persona. It’s not necessarily about doing anything new, it’s about asking yourself how are you using what you already know?
The Question: What parts of your career have become a routine that no longer allows growth and expansion. Yes, we gotta do what we gotta do to pay the bills, but which fire are you tending too much at the sacrifice of another? Where is there too much responsible adult and not enough kid at play (creativity)?
The Full Moon is highlighting your sense of adventure and desire to tend to your higher consciousness. It’s time to take a little break from the routine, and plan what is next for you.
The Question: When was the last time you charted a course towards an experience. Get out of the practical, perfectionist thing and the people you serve. When was the last time you said yes to learning or doing something new that fed your soul and expanded your mind? Let go of it having to serve a practical, material world purpose or the role you play at work.
Oooo Libra, how much you have you been thinking about your past relationships? Don’t get stuck in who did what and why, lean into what have you learned and how do you attend to the dark places it takes you.
The Question: It’s time to release the angst you are holding onto. If you could be free of the past betrayals, the hurt, the desire to understand why someone did something- how much power would you take back? And where could that power go instead?
This Full Moon carries high intensity for you since it is in opposition to your sign. Don’t allow others to take you out today in whirl of passive aggressive silence.
The Question: It’s truth time, not decode this message with my behaviour. Stay grounded in your honest emotions, and share with others what you are really feeling. Turn off the TV, silence the phone, and pour out to the person who holds your truth best. Ask yourself, how holding it all has served you in the past?
The Full Moon is lighting up the area of your life that rules discipline in relation to how you care for yourself. You may find your attention going to how you are feeling overall.
The Question: Where have you been outsourcing your well-being? Are you online shopping, on your third cup of coffee or wine, and eating M&M’s for lunch? No shame, but I want you to ask yourself how that will keep you well and is it allowing you to show up in the world as the person you know yourself to be?
The Full Moon is asking you to take a load off Capricorn. You have been working so hard, shouldering so much responsibility- take a minute. I want you to take a big deep breath and consider the question below.
The Question: If I took the identity cloak of “I’m a hard worker” and the “Job you perform” away, tell me who you are? It’s okay if you don’t have an answer. The Full Moon is stripping away those external titles so you can remember the way you love and the passions you have are important too. I’ll give you one more- “When was the last time you had fun?”
The Full Moon is lighting up your home and who and what is in it. If you’re home now or when you get home, take a look around and ask yourself what is this space doing to me or for me?
The Question: Home is meant to be sanctuary, a place where close the door on the outside world and your nervous system goes “ahhhhhh”. Does your home spark creativity and sense of wellbeing? Does it reflect to you the nurturing care you need?
The Full Moon has turned a spotlight on your everyday routines and the beliefs you hold about your daily world. You don’t always love this but it’s time to look at what sun up to sun down holds in your world.
The Question: Can you tell me the last time you slowed down long enough to find the gratitude in the everyday? Have you taken notice of all that you have provided for yourself in the mundane day in and day out. Do you have love, a warm cup of coffee in your hands, an animal to snuggle? What do those things tell you about yourself….