Full Moon in Cancer: Tender, Loving, Self Care
Jan 13, 2025
What a deep, dreamy, compassionate Full Moon in Cancer we are all experiencing. It will occur January 13, 2025 at 2:26PM/PST at 23° Cancer.
Yes, its comes with the usual Full Moon feels:
🌕 Emotional fluctuations
🌕 Intense dreams
🌕 Headaches
🌕 Digestive upset
But let’s go beyond, as Cancer would do, the response in your body and ask ourselves what is the Full Moon teaching and releasing for me.
A Full Moon in Cancer brings additional intensity because the Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer. When they have an opportunity to get together in the sky the emotional fluctuations can turn towards emotional hurts that want to be acknowledged and if we’re ready, a release.
Both Neptune and Mars are influencing this Full Moon and they are softening the edges. Neptune is the dreamy planet of future possibilities. Mars is currently retrograde which can temper the emotional outburst or more outward responses of this Big Full Moon.
Cancer is a super sensitive sign, often overlooked because of their capacity to emote. But here is what you are missing with Cancer- they are more in touch with the emotional depth and capacity of themselves and those around them than any other sign. They apply this beautiful layered approach of care, compassion, and safety to almost everything they do and how they attend to you. From their career to their relationships and even their homes there is so much meaning in every step they take.
It is all fuelled by their heart.
When a Full Moon in Cancer comes to us, it illuminates our ability to stand up in our pain and keep our heart open. What that means is that Cancer can remain open to love and compassion no matter how sorrowful the experience- past or present.
If you have found yourself during this Full Moon revisiting old pains, wounds, and experiences that pull you of the present and into the past, is it time to face it, rewrite it, or release it.
Is it time to soften the edges of your pain?
To smile when you remember a loved one who is no longer here.
To forgive that hurt you’ve been carrying for too long.
To trust yourself to pursue your dream.
To allow the tears to come in place of the anger you’ve been holding.
Follow the path of Cancer and the light of the Moon into your emotional depth with loving care. The word for this Full Moon is tenderness. The word tenderness has more than one meaning- it is the physical softness and sensitivity, while also meaning emotional warmth and compassion.
I want to ask you a question:
When was the last time you were tender towards yourself?
Tender when that negative self talk comes up.
Tender when your physical body needs care.
Tender when revisiting a past experience that plagues you.
Tender when asking for forgiveness or giving it.
Tender when you have to make a hard decision.
Tender when a beautiful memory that may bring a touch of sorrow revisits you.
With this Full Moon release with tenderness and compassion anything that is holding you back from staying present here and now.
The horoscopes are written for the area of your life that needs tender care to release with compassion and renew with possibility.
Take a tour of your home Aries. This Full Moon could be bringing your attention to all matters on the home front. From wanting to renovate or move, or examining who is in your home and how you are nurturing them.
Your daily routine is under the Moon’s beams. Examine the mundane everyday to find the seeds of change. Have you become rigid in a routine that, on examination, no longer serves you?
Your financial matters and how safe and secure they make your feel are under examination. What is your relationship to money and how much power have you given it. Where does that belief come from and does it feel stable and secure?
The Moon is highlighting self-reflection, Cancer. Are you living the vision you had for and of yourself? It’s time to release anything that has been getting in the way of your authentic self-expression.
This Moon brings the biggest release for you Leo. Your need for compassion towards yourself and others is being illuminated. Have you been giving too much of yourself to others, so there’s no wisdom left for you to draw on?
This Moon is illuminating your community, Virgo. Think about the people you spend the most time with. You may find its time for new community, a shift in your friendships, or a deep appreciation for you have. You’ll know who makes you feel your best.
Your career and professional pursuits are under the spotlight for this Full Moon. It’s time to examine, perhaps, rewrite what success looks like for you. Is there a new path or a promotion on the horizon?
We’re following the Full Moon’s light onto new horizons, Scorpio. You want a new experience, either in a new place, or through a new avenue of higher learning. You’re ready to pursue something that shifts your wisdom.
Your habits, especially those that have developed from hurts, are under the spotlight. This can feel like a heavier Full Moon for you. It time to explore how deeply the experiences of your life have impacted you. It’s time to release.
You may have found your relationships are on your mind. You may be examining the ways your relationships give and receive. Don’t get stuck in the hurts or expectations, just ask yourself if there’s an opportunity for change.
Your health is under the Moons gaze, Aquarius. It’s time to examine how you have been taking care of yourself. Are your health and wellness routines harming or helping the way you want or desire to feel in your body.
Your desire to be seen, to use your power, to find creative expression is being lit up by the Moon. The ways you dim your light or turn the volume down on your power will come to the surface. It’s time to examine the “why” behind it.