February's Cosmic Forecast: A Month of Renewal, Momentum, and Deeper Connection
Feb 01, 2025
Key Dates for February:
Feb 1 Venus conjunct Neptune
Feb 3 Venus conjunct Node
Feb 3 Venus enters Aries
Feb 4 Jupiter direct
Feb 12 Full Moon in Leo
Feb 14 Mercury enters Pisces
Feb 18 Sun enters Pisces
Feb 23 Mars direct
Feb 27 New Moon in Pisces
Welcome to February, and blessed Imbolc! The energy this month resonates so beautifully with the themes of renewal, purification, and the return of light that Imbolc embodies. It feels like we're emerging from the sometimes-turbulent waters of January into a period of renewed momentum and a deeper connection to our spiritual selves.
January, with its powerful planetary shifts and alignments, may have felt like navigating a challenging uphill climb. If you experienced exhaustion, blocks, or a sense of unmotivation, know that you weren't alone. Many of us felt the intensity. But as astrology teaches us, everything is temporary. These challenging moments are often opportunities for growth and upgrades, a chance to re-evaluate what truly matters to us and how we choose to feel.
February is gently nudging us to find a harmonious balance between our material pursuits and our spiritual evolution. Take a look at your calendar. Does it reflect a commitment to both your external goals and your inner well-being? Are you carving out time for long baths, nature escapes, meditation, journaling, and those all-important new and full moon rituals, alongside your meetings and appointments? Are you nurturing your creative flow, even if it's just once a week, and connecting with that 2025 vision board? Imbolc is the perfect time to recalibrate, to consciously choose how you want to move forward, and to release any lingering stagnancy from January. We even have a special Imbolc ritual planned for you!
Ready to dive into the astrological details?
Uranus Direct in Taurus: Embracing Growth and Liberation
Uranus is now direct, urging us to examine the routines, habits, and attachments that, while providing a sense of safety, may actually be holding us back. Where in your life – from your movement routine and career to your limiting beliefs, outgrown responses, and even relationships – do you feel a lack of growth? Uranus's mission is to liberate us from restriction and guide us toward a life filled with fulfillment.
Have you felt a growing sense of dissatisfaction since September?
A nagging feeling that started subtly but has intensified over time?
Did it leave you feeling stuck, suffocated, or restricted, prompting thoughts like, "I just want to be free of (fill in the blank)?" If so, you're likely feeling the effects of Uranus's journey.
While retrograde, Uranus's energy turned inward, shaking loose the unaligned, uninspired, and unfulfilled parts within us. Now that it's direct, these internal shifts are beginning to manifest in our external world. And because Uranus is transiting through Taurus, the sign of security, stability, and values, these changes will likely impact the areas of our lives where "safe" has morphed into "stuck."
Uranus always works in the name of freedom. It wants us to stand fully in the light of who we are and how we're meant to live. These changes might come unexpectedly, but they aren't entirely unanticipated. You've probably already sensed the need for a shift in those areas that are about to be shaken up.
The Pisces Stellium: A Deep Dive into the Mystical
February is bathed in the dreamy, transformative energy of a Pisces stellium. A stellium, a concentration of planetary power, amplifies the influence of the sign. Pisces represents culmination, the boundaries of our wisdom, heightened compassion and empathy, discerning our own energy, spiritual connection, and access to other dimensions.
With the Lunar Nodes recently shifting into Pisces and Virgo, we're collectively learning how to bring the formless into form – how to translate dreams into tangible reality and temper idealism with grounded truth. For the collective, this transit is impacting our belief in something greater, the understanding that we're not solely in control of our lives, that the universe is our co-pilot.
This explains the surge of individuals seeking deeper connections, the hunger for community, and the desire to awaken compassion and empathy for our fellow humans. We're craving collective experiences that nourish the soul.
The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo are fueling a desire for self-exploration that transcends traditional Western modalities. Spiritual affluence is regaining its value as a vital part of the human experience. Intuition is heightened, other dimensions are being explored, codes are being downloaded, and we're becoming more adept at seeing through illusions.
The Venus Vibe: Under the Influence of Love and Spirit
Dreamy, sweet, and soothing Venutian vibrations usher us into February. This energy is particularly potent with Venus conjunct Neptune and the North Node on February 1st.
Neptune is considered the higher octave of Venus. If Venus is the student, Neptune is the master. If Venus is ascending, Neptune has reached enlightenment. And on February 1st and 2nd, these celestial siblings meet in the sky.
This is the perfect time to follow the guidance mentioned earlier: reset, realign with your vision for the year, and create space for that vision board. These are incredibly magnetic planetary vibrations for dreaming, contemplating, and spending time in solitude. The veil is thin, and trying to navigate the mundane might require extra time and patience. Your energy is being pulled toward deeper realms.
Have you explored manifesting through artful expression? Your art, poetry, dance, and song can transport you to new dimensions, as can any practice that connects you with your spirit guides.
Be mindful of any substances, whether spiritual or pharmaceutical, that alter your perception. You're especially sensitive during these days and throughout the month.
Venus is also conjunct the North Node, amplifying our need for more "woo" in our lives. This is an invitation to explore what your life could look like with a dedicated and disciplined spiritual practice, if the metaphysical were woven more intentionally into your everyday. We all know that meditation, manifestation, intention setting, connecting with spirit guides, and prayer can shift our vibration. But often, these practices remain formless intentions.
How will you bring form to your formless desire for spiritual growth and connection? Will you wake up earlier? Set reminders on your phone? Commit to a 40-day practice?
Venus in Aries: A Bold New Expression in Relationships
On February 3rd, Venus moves into Aries, shifting our focus to relationships. January brought significant changes for many, including breakups, revealed truths, and the establishment of new boundaries.
When Venus transits Pisces, things often reach a critical point. Subconscious relationship patterns are exposed, endings occur, and we become ready to let go. This can manifest in various ways: personal breakthroughs that change how we interact in relationships, the release of unhelpful patterns, the setting of boundaries for greater harmony, or, in some cases, the ending of relationships that have served their purpose.
As Venus enters Aries, it's time for a bold new expression of self in your relationships. If you released something during the Venus in Pisces phase, now you can step into the new self-expression that it created space for.
It's the start of a new cycle! What you value in relationships and what you need to feel loved, respected, and cared for is ready to be expressed, felt, and heard. Take a courageous step forward and claim sovereign space over your needs.
Jupiter and Mars Direct: Outward Expansion and Renewed Drive
A major reason we're feeling a surge of momentum in February is the stationing direct of both Jupiter and Mars. These planets are shifting into outward action.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, brings good things into our lives, especially when we know where to focus its energy. When Jupiter goes direct in Gemini on February 4th, it's time to expand your mind, your network, and your communication skills.
You'll likely feel more articulate and expressive. Your message will be received, and you'll feel good about what you have to say. If you're a channel, vessel, or conduit for divine messages, it will feel like another lane has opened on your highway of connection. The universe is ready to hit your download button.
This is a fantastic time for learning and expanding your knowledge. You'll feel a thirst for information. Sign up for a course, delve deeper into a topic that interests you, and feed your mind.
It's also a great time to nurture your network. Send a simple "good morning, have a beautiful day" text to a group of friends. Loneliness is becoming an epidemic, and we need those touchpoints with our chosen family. Whenever someone crosses your mind, reach out. Start sending energy along those connection cords.
When Mars goes direct on February 23rd, you'll notice a significant shift in your energy and motivation. Mars is the planet of drive, action, and capability. If you've been experiencing a crisis of confidence, it's about to lift. As Mars stations direct, our belief in ourselves begins to rise. We feel more capable and ready to pursue our ambitions. Our drive returns.
If your to-do list has been feeling overwhelming, Mars is coming to reignite your fire. It can bring a powerful sense of "I'm back!" So, be gentle with yourself right now; everything will get done in its own time.
Mercury in Pisces: Into the Mystical Realm
When Mercury moves into Pisces, our minds are drawn to other realms. You might find yourself daydreaming more, contemplating life's deeper mysteries, and craving silence to connect with your inner wisdom.
I want to share something important about free time, because Mercury in Pisces highlights its significance. Feeling like we lack free time creates a similar level of stress as being unemployed. Think about that for a moment. It's a powerful concept.
In a world where free time is scarce and stress levels are high, the art of contemplation is fading away. Without space to pause, we struggle to hear ourselves—to tap into our inner wisdom, process our emotions, and make aligned decisions. True clarity isn't found in constant motion; it emerges from the stillness we so rarely allow ourselves.
What would happen if we reclaimed that space?
This is the essential lesson of Mercury in Pisces, but you'll miss it if you can't find time to simply stare out the window, take a long walk without a podcast, or claim a bench in a park to gaze at the sky.
I can't tell you exactly what you'll discover in those quiet moments, but I know it will be profound.
Sun in Pisces: Diving Deeper Still
The Sun is entering Pisces, opening up even greater depths within you. Are you feeling the interconnectedness of this forecast? The momentum you generate in the outer world will be mirrored by the profound explorations of your inner world.
Pisces season is akin to December in terms of wrapping up the astrological year. As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces represents the ultimate time for release and reflection.
It's where successes and failures, endings and hopeful new beginnings converge, dissolving into a seed of potential. You carry that seed across the threshold of Pisces and into Aries, planting it in the fertile soil of new cycles.
This also explains why January may have felt a bit "off." You're detaching from a Gregorian timeline and aligning with a universal one.
Allow February to be your time for recalibration. Nothing is truly lost; you simply have more information to move forward with now. You've recognized what else needs to be released and gained a clearer vision of your path.
When the Sun enters Pisces, allow for a momentous release.
The Moons of February: Stepping into Uninhibited Power
February 12th brings a powerful Full Moon in Leo. A Full Moon in Leo carries an intensity unlike any other, illuminating your power—not just the power you're comfortable expressing, but the power that's been hidden in your shadows. The part of you that's been suppressed by every "you're too loud," "you're too much," and every other form of oppression imposed upon you by the insecurity or wounding of another. The narrative you've adopted to be more palatable, less intimidating, to become the people-pleaser, and terrified of being reprimanded for expressing yourself.
You have a force within you; it's your birthright to be seen. This isn't about being dominant, loud, or aggressive; it's about assuredness, assertiveness, and sovereignty. One form of power oppresses, while the other empowers. This Full Moon in Leo will ask you to release the parts of yourself that are unexpressed, small, and unsure.
We close the month with a New Moon in Pisces. The veil will be incredibly thin during this New Moon, making it a potent time for communion with yourself and your guides. Dive deep; it could be incredibly cathartic, bringing profound clarity. My guidance for you during this time is to find solitude—consider a solo retreat if possible.
I won't offer too much specific direction, simply open the space for the end of the month and allow yourself to drift, as is the Pisces way.
- What does renewal mean to you personally? How do you experience it in your life?
- What "seeds" are you ready to plant for the coming year? What do you hope to manifest?
- What old patterns, beliefs, or habits are you ready to release to make space for new growth?
- How can you bring more light and warmth into your life during this time of year?
- How can you honor the return of the light within yourself and in the world around you?