Supercharged Full Moon in Aries
Oct 16, 2024
Get ready for our biggest, brightest, and most supercharged Moon of the season- a Full Moon in Aries is coming October 17 at 4:26am PST at 24° degrees.
A Full Moon in Aries ignites our warrior fighting spirit, it gives us the courage and confidence to face whatever comes our way. With the other planets influencing this Full Moon; take the courage anywhere you can get it.
My dear friends: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel the intensity of this Moon the most. These are Cardinal signs and we have a Grand Cross forming in the sky with each one of them. There is tension, there is no opportunity to “go to sleep” or avoid what this Moon is bringing forward for you. Harness the power of Aries to know you can navigate these lunar waters.
For the rest of us, don’t think you’re avoiding the intensity just because you may not have any planets in the Cardinal signs or in Aries particularly. There are 4 planets that are currently in retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which are outer planets that highlight our generational evolution and growth. Think about the repetitive patterns, the abandoned dreams, and the places where you have followed instead of lead. Consider the parts of your mind where you could use a bigger picture view, and where you want to expand your knowledge and gain more wisdom.
Brilliance is knowing that there is a lot you don’t know; humility is staying open to that concept.
Pluto is back baby! Having just finished its retrograde and now moving forward in the sky. Before it leaves the sign of Capricorn for the next couple hundred years, it’s going to have a courageous, albeit tense, encounter with Mars in Cancer. It’s time to open up that emotional baggage and pour the contents out; you can do it. In addition to this Pluto/Mars meet up our planetoid Chiron is holding hands with the Full Moon in Aries. Chiron represents our wounded healer- it’s the bridge between where you have held yourself back and where you have been destructive in your life- burned too much down. Here is what you need to know about Chiron and what it teaches us:
In the places where we hold our deepest wounds and heartache there is wisdom. There is knowledge to be gained that will allow you to hold your hand out to others and show them the way through. It ushers you into the role of leader in the name of healing; changes the narrative from “its happening to you into its happening for you”
If you feel a heaviness right now; allow it.
If something is coming up that you haven’t confronted before; face it.
If you need help, ask for it; but recognize when it comes.
Here is the thing; Aries does not dwell it moves by taking action. Reflect on this Full Moon about the parts of yourself you are/were afraid to show, the parts where you fear confrontation and misunderstanding could be received from others. STAND FIRM, STAY SOVEREIGN OVER WHO YOU ARE- even when others don’t like it. Aries does not fear standing on their own, away from others, away from the crowd, away from placating to your acceptance. They belong to themselves first and foremost- they know what they need and you’re either on board or in their way. Yes, a big F**K yes! Let your intuition guide the way.
I’ll leave you with a question before you move onto your horoscope below:
“At the end of your life, when you are examining all that you experienced, what do you want to say to yourself: I’m so glad I was accepted by everyone or I am so glad I followed my own truth and lived a life that was wholly my own?”
Your choice.
Horoscopes for your RISING SIGN. Read for your Rising sign first and then read for your Sun sign. Click Here to find your Rising Sign.
Leap into a peaceful place Aries! You’ve been doing such good work on self and learning to help and heal yourself; what a journey it’s been. This Full Moon will highlight places of your life where you can find softness; don’t fight your fear, let it know you’re okay and you’ve got this. Free yourself with joy from the places you have been holding worry. We both know you are capable of providing yourself with exactly what you need. It’s time to lead again.
Move differently under this Full Moon, my beautiful Earth spirit. Instead of tasks and having everything taken care of; a place I know you find solace, allow some wandering around. Unburden yourself, just a smidge from your routine, long walks in nature, deep meditations, and the water- make that your task. Provide yourself with deep, nourishing soul care; leave the rationale and logic behind. Put your hand on your heart- say “hello” and ask “what can I give to you today?”
With Jupiter in retrograde through your sign, it’s time to go inwards and examine your patterns. Where have your beliefs held you back from growth? Where have you let “I’m not capable of..”rule and what has been the result? I know for a lot of you-journalling feels too slow- well lucky you that the Full Moon happens to slow us down and usher in rest. Take out that pen and piece of paper and touch your own wisdom, your own’re brilliant Gemini and it’s about time you see your gifts too. Lean into the people you love, find solace in your community.
My dear Watery friend, lets examine your success story. Let’s do it a little differently- what is your definition of success? Pay attention if that story starts with: “My Dad instilled in me....” Or “My family doesn’t/does think I’m successful because…”. This Full Moon is asking you and you alone: What is the contribution you are making to the world through your work? Unhappy in your career or ready to make the next move- it’s time to come up with a plan. Set yourself up in a place where you will take great pride in your professional reputation and the legacy your work will leave behind. People pleasing won’t serve right now.
OOOOO boy, Leo! Who is in charge right now? Your ego or your soul, your response or your reactivity? You have the ability to share your power with others to lift them up or to pull them down and oppress them. The call, the agreement you made this lifetime, was to share all of the beautiful, generous heart energy you carry. To inspire others, be the soulful cheerleader our heart spaces need. Will you share it with us Leo? Please show us that love will lead the way and vulnerability is a gift. You are more powerful than you know and where there is rejection there can also be acceptance. A pendulum swings both ways.
The spotlight is on your ability to hold vulnerability within your intimate spaces; inside yourself and with others. You are uncomfortable right now Virgo, because you’re being stretched outside of your intellect and into your heart. You won’t think your way out of this one, nor will you be able to create a perfect plan. You are being pulled into the depths of trust, surrender and transformation. It’s okay if you’re nervous right now and a little unsure. Do you trust yourself? It promises great reward with those you love most and with yourself.
This Full Moon is hitting the area of your life that you rule: Relationship. If your mind has been racing and you have been following those thoughts; take a minute to check yourself. Is this true? Am I emotionally attaching to an outcome that hasn’t happened? Or may never happen. You are only responsible for yourself, only you know where your integrity and authenticity can be found. Lead from that place, asses what you know and not what could be. Use your values as a guide and you’ll find peace and harmony every time.
Are you taking care of yourself Scorpio? Have you been eating, resting and moving your body so you stay well. It’s okay if you’re a little off track, have forgotten the routines that you know make you feel good. Reorganize, find structure and do one thing at a time so it feels manageable. Stay with us and don’t retreat into the overwhelm; it will still be there when you come back out. Gather your strength so you can claim that next opportunity that is coming.
Speak up Sagittarius, tell us what’s in your heart, express yourself. You promised this lifetime to give voice to the places the rest of us are too afraid to speak to. You teach us what addressing things head on, and living in the moment is truly about. You are a silver lining, glass half full kind of soul-lead from there. Take your place among the truth we cannot see, wander into a new experience to seek what you are searching for and then tell us what you find. Shine a light on the places you have been hiding yourself in- don’t worry the Moon is bringing you a spotlight.
This Full Moon is bringing your attention to the home and to family matters, Cap! How does your home feel to you right now? Is it a sanctuary away from the world filled with the people and animals you want to nurture and who nurture you in return? If your own family of origin and the psychological imprint, including the hurts, are resurfacing then find the wisdom within it. It could be hard to admit that you are feeling a little vulnerable right now and are searching for some medicine; a salve for your emotions. When we are calm we can find clarity.
What do you know to be true, Aquarius? Take out a pen and a piece of paper and write it all down. What have you learned about yourself so far in this life? That you are more different than anyone you know, that you care about humanity, that forging your own path is how you feel your best? If you want a little more guidance: Examine the narrative(s) you undertook that have caused you to conform and to squish yourself into a box where you just don’t fit. Someone has to have the courage to rebel against the path that goes right, and to take a left instead. That’s you, I’m talking about you!
Where do you source your worth, your values, and your security, Pisces? Don’t worry about what others are doing, it just takes you away from yourself. You’re are being asked to consider how you provide for yourself, how you enrich your life and enjoy the earthbound experiences; like your sensuality. Stop the narrative- “they said I should, I see others doing, I’m following their advice.” You may not have the answers to “what do I need right now?”- but if you quiet the chatter of others, you may realize what you are looking for has been right in front of you this whole time. Don’t judge if it feels easy, celebrate it! Welcome the “aha” moment.