2025 in the Stars: Your Cosmic Preview and Next Steps to Align Your Life
Dec 02, 2024
The December Cosmo's are lining up for quite the month. We have our usual occurrences of Full and New Moon, but there are a whole host of other planets that are going to make an appearance.
Mercury, Neptune and Chiron will complete their retrograde cycles for 2024- this was a profound cycle of introspection, self-awareness, and wounds to be healed. Mars will begin its retrograde cycle and we will all be taking this energy inwards- expect reflection or musings around what you’re capable of, what you really want to put your energy behind, and be mindful for any unresolved relationship issues that come forward.
Winter Solstice will bring the cosmic shift into Capricorn. A New Moon in Capricorn will follow not long after this seasonal shift and will have us reflecting on all that transpired for us when Pluto was in Capricorn. It's bringing a reminder to slow your roll into 2025-give the intentional time and care to your plans for the year ahead. What would a purposeful, meaningful, and paced transformation look like in 2025? We want steps that come from firm footing on solid ground; that move us towards an end goal. It’s about conserving your energy for purpose and forward momentum.
Hot Astrology Tip- Did you know that Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, leaders of the zodiac, all bring in seasonal changes like Equinox and Solstice-as above so below!
Mars Retrograde Begins December 6
Mars will do a backwards shuffle through heart-filled, energetic Leo. With all retrogrades, the energy of the planet turns inwards. Mars rules our drive, capabilities and how we use our energy toward action; basically you’ll need to slow down. Take a beat before you leap into action and be mindful of impulsivity. All this fiery energy can cause an ignition we may regret later; start practicing "I'm sorry". Mars retrograde is here until February 23, 2025, use this time to reflect on leadership, long lost passions to, and your source of pride and confidence. This is a time to get ready to launch, so you reach those new heights.
Neptune Retrograde Ends December 7
Neptune stations direct and it will influence how you feel about Mercury and the Full Moon on December 15. Neptune has been in retrograde motion since July 2, 2024 and it can be a funny time. Neptune in Retrograde shatters our illusions around people, places or experiences; the realizations can be hard but liberating. It will also ask us to confront the ways we escape reality, our emotional patterns, and personal boundaries. But, it will also deepen our connection to our intuition and allow us to renew our relationship to spirituality and creativity.
When Neptune goes direct we move back into a rhythm that allows us to dream big, to imagine what could be possible without limitation. Our spirituality, intuition, and dream world become brighter and more vivid-like we recharged the batteries while Neptune was in retrograde.
Mercury Retrograde Ends & A Full Moon in Gemini December 15
This is good, really good because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and Mercury will end its retrograde in Sagittarius. Gemini and Sagittarius are medicine for one another and can find relief in each other’s energy; if they’re willing.
A T-square is involved in this transit and will bring some extra energy to the exchange. Tension has entered the chat, and it’s looking for energetic relief. Relief can be found in the wisdom of Virgo, who also happens to be ruled by Mercury.
You just can’t make this shit up, but what does it all mean?
It means the Mercury retrograde lessons become more significant. This Mercury retrograde is bursting with knowledge around what you believe and how those beliefs are limiting or liberating the person you want to be
Take a little wander, an observance if you will, of what has transpired in the last three weeks:
Did you find freedom from something in your mind? A belief, an “aha” that you are the only person standing in your way.
Did something not work out how you thought it would, and the perceived failure was actually a success?
Did you realize that you moved in a new way, regarding past behaviours, and are now standing tall in a new place? Does more feel possible?
Take those insights from above and ask yourself:
How can I structure my life around this new place of curiosity or clarity I am in?
What does integration of these insights, in the material world, look like?
Examine your routines, your care of self, the way you organize your life, and how you show up in your relationships. Bring your material world into alignment with this new space you're occupying. Let go of any attachment that doesn’t feel like an energetic match. If you're not in love with it, stop doing it.
Winter Solstice and plunkity, plunk, kerplunk into Capricorn Season on December 21
Settle in because discipline, responsibility, the list for 2025, and the plan to get it all done is coming with Capricorn season. We love Capricorn because it teaches us how to turn a dream into reality, how to apply purpose and ambition to our goals. Capricorn is such beautiful energy that will not move unless they know their energy is being used towards a greater purpose. You can be as lit up as you like about your dreams for 2025, but they will stay a dream if they don’t have real world structure around them and a clear roadmap to success.
You can think of Capricorn like a time and energy auditor that will visit you in 2025. The Capricorn audit is assessing how you used your energy, conserved your energy, and hit those milestones, on your path to a bigger goal.
Chiron Retrograde Ends December 29 and New Moon in Capricorn December 30
Our last big hurrah of 2024 brings healing and a clear path forward. Chiron is our wounded healer, showing us the most painful places, that when healed, bring our greatest wisdom for healing and leading others. A New Moon in Capricorn brings much of what was mentioned above about Capricorn, but with fresh start energy. The advice in working with this lunation is to put the Capricorn and Chiron together.
Your goals, intentions, commitment, and the stability and structure you are seeking in 2025 can be aimed at what has been healed, will be healed, and will move you forward. Let your heart and how you want to feel be part of the container that will hold you.
Read for your Rising Sign and Sun Sign.
December promises to be a big month for you Aries, especially around your mental game and your career. If you’ve been feeling frustrated with your career, what the next steps will be, even wondering if there is something more for you; then you are right on track. Take this month to examine how career moves, changing your daily routine, and creating opportunities for new experiences could benefit you. You rules new cycles, taking initiative, and starting fresh- your word for the coming year is renewal.
There are so many new and exciting opportunities coming your way Taurus. What if they all worked out better than you imagined? Trust yourself to know the way to security and stability in the face of change. Welcome new ways to source abundance in your life, examine your relationship to money and how you provide for yourself and those you love. Plan for an adventure in 2025- your word for the coming year is chance.
My friend Gem, tell me who you are now? You went through significant changes this year and this month is a time to stand at the mountain top and gaze upon the shifts in your world. You learned so many new things, changed your relationships, and are working to redefine the world you find yourself in. Take a breath, a pause, revise your gratitude list, and soak in your favourite people this month. Your word for the coming year is opportunity.
Take this month to reflect on your relationships, because they have been through a lot this year. You let go of some, placed internal boundaries so others couldn’t take, and became aware of how much energy you deserve and need. You’ve only just begun, Cancer, this year will test how you will remain in balance despite what those you love will still need from you. Keep your awareness open to who moves with you through this change, and who cheers you on as you climb the priority list. Your word for the coming year is self-nurture.
Wooo boy did the group dynamic shift this year, Leo. Are you surrounded by a whole new community of people, some members absent from your band of rebels and misfits? Good, see ya later. This month will have you focused back on the discipline in your life-what routines have fallen by the wayside around your health and all the things that keep you 100. A lot shifted in your world and you may have noticed you’re not showing up the way you would like in this new reality. Put your heart into putting the pieces back in place. Your word for 2025 is routine.
Where’s the passion scale for your work sitting right now, Virgo? We need a little injection of creativity, to bring some lightness and renewed inspiration to the work scene. That could mean taking a break from work all together. When was the last time you took your foot off the gas pedal and just allowed yourself to coast, wind in your hair, laughing away? Spend this month looking for areas and ways you could bring more ease into your life. Your word for 2025 is flow.
You’ve been pulled all over the place this year Libra; up, down and all around. You may feel like you just got spit out by a tornado when you look back on 2024. Take a moment, land on the ground again this month. Consider two things this month: When the world outside is spinning around is your home sanctuary and is the place you live (city) reflective of your values or the way you see the world? When our roots are planted deeper, we sway with the tornado. Your word for 2025 is grounded.
An ending has been coming all year Scorpio; maybe it already arrived, maybe your spidey senses are tingling, perhaps you’ve been trying to ignore it. My friend, the transformation and transcendence beyond this current place has come. The changes will impact your daily environment and the people in your network- the friends who are like family. Control is one of our greatest sources of stress, let go, you can trust yourself. The dark is sometimes the place we hide our greatest truth-take it back. Your word for 2025 is surrender.
This past year your relationship to self, what you invest your money in, and how you source worth from the material world brought some truths. 2025 is your opportunity to remove the “stuff” and bring abundance into your life in a new way. My fiery friend, put your hand on your heart and ask yourself: Do I love me? If it’s a yes, then take that reality in..celebrate! If it’s a no-ask for help, maybe it already arrived and you just haven’t recognized it. Your word for 2025 is trust.
This year may have brought big shifts in your health, how you show up in relationship, and a deep analysis of self. It’s time to put in some self-care routines, some structure and organization, that allows the outside to reflect the inside. This isn’t a vanity project or an “I remember when” exercise, it’s an arrival into who you are now. What’s your brand and when was the last time self-expression through clothing, hair, jewellery was fun? No more wearing black everyday when you feel like a pink personality. Let it shine baby. Your word for 2025 is radiate.
The vibe was shake up wake up for you in 2024 Aquarius. Did you find new systems of study, a mission you want to bring forward to humanity, have you found a niche? Maybe you’re just beginning to carve it out. Keep pushing, keep exploring in 2025. The more you dismantle conformity in your life, the wider the horizons become. Next year is an incredible time to claim the mantra: “I never thought I would do this…”. Find the freedom by allowing your own wings to bring you to new heights. You live this life for you. Your word for 2025 is soar.
You woke up to something new this year Pisces. New dreams were realized, illusions were shattered- and through it all there was a sense of liberation. Whether the liberation was a bonfire or a tiny spark; something has been ignited in you. You may have found a new community of like minded souls where acceptance has been a breath of fresh air. Maybe your relationship to family underwent a transformation and its tilling new soil. What will you offer to the fire, what will fan the flames of liberation, and what will you plant in new soil? Your word for 2025 is foundation.
Ready to make 2025 your most aligned year yet? Discover how the stars uniquely influence your journey with a personalized astrology reading! Let’s dive deep into your cosmic blueprint and unlock the guidance you need to thrive. Don’t wait—book your reading today and step confidently into the year ahead! CLICK HERE TO BOOK NOW